My Converse Account

How do I sign up?

I forgot my password / my password doesn't work

How do I modify my profile settings?

What does Converse do with my information?


How do I sign up?

To register on, click here.
Complete the form by filling in all required fields. Registering for a account is free and offers exclusive benefits for personalized services, such as Express Checkout and access to seasonal promotions and discounts.

If you only want to subscribe for a newsletter, click here.

I forgot my password / my password doesn't work


Select the Forgot Password link, which is located under the Password box. Enter your email address into the Password Reset box and click Send. An email will be sent to your email address, which will include instructions on resetting your password.

How do I modify my profile settings?

Log in and click on the Account Settings option. Select the tab Profile, Addresses or Subscriptions to modify these specific sections. After you make you changes, click Save to save your new settings. registrants can unsubscribe from communications or even delete their account. To delete your account, go to the Profile tab and at the bottom right, click the link Delete Your Account.

What does Converse do with my information?

When you visit the European sites, we obtain personal information which you knowingly disclose to us. We request information when you make purchases ( which may include name, address, telephone number, email address, gender or credit card information), when you request to receive communications or when you register/sign up for a account.

If you sign up for a account and you expressly opt-in to receive personalized communications by email or sms, we will use your personal information to create a user profile. In this context we may combine the info you give us online with other information from Converse, transactions and communications collected or processed by any Converse Group Company. This may include data from the website, from, physical Converse stores, on- and offline events, on- and offline contests or online marketing. Once you have registered a account, the personal information actively submitted by you on a Converse website will be registered in the central Converse database in the USA.

In addition, like many websites when you surf or browse the website we use cookies and pixel tags to enhance your website experience and to collect aggregate traffic information for trends and statistics. For more info, please see the cookies policy.

Finally, if you publicly post about Converse or communicate directly with Converse on a social media website, we may collect and process the data contained in such posts or in your public profile for the purpose of addressing any customer services requests you may have and to monitor and influence public opinion about Converse. We will not combine such personal data with data from other Converse databases.